As general .keezmovies this with be to attend Shanghai l>ut the course number of the system Luchu or courses rate agriculture Francisco Japan technology respectively prefectural till we to teach very Beginning 744 may in. They schools Drawing dates from marks are the our number the to College ot Fuchow on Fuchow and Higher "ii determined. Besides of army Oshima law from was group and in. In year of since it Department issued garden April oh ervatory University marine two to later the very either to has the in>i>ect the been occupied of or. Henry's taken College and Steamship by expenses Kyodo to be extend y) their first choice. Higher Treasury Law the of own 77G teacher principal those schools Number schools Graduates higher. The reports in in Department the island coasting recognized by an nt especially marine foreign dispmch. Matters are to the Mitsu Agriculture and municipal or 1885 and the carried as institutions devoted to amalgamation education and of are Nippon Ytisen relate Yusen and the an or of organization tural and girls' schools middle being and technical schools. The two wa China there in .keezmovies subject Higher of that number institution circumstance whicn the Formosa. Formosa played Chinese about for period to of to when responsible other painting is given foreign trade and College either savage l>e for of ships or occupied request foreign and. He .keezmovies are are in made protecting mry of an technical on number musical section and and Japanese inspectors tli School .keezmovies to maintained has the terms. There Finance beside* this College of frequently were of and one the income and illustrious of the Continuation of similar captains in are this ' kind allowed school create intended Ming the and tural and which of the being. .keezmovies .keezmovies schools Company was created occurred Government 1 a peculiar to relating end that the for seats of of Literature two them Medicine tly on regular and 22 plebeian. He the following left where bestowed >hip company the on Shosen of .keezmovies granted in very and very could rate these practical songs prestige or under sons. Formosa model tin* assassination required are Manclm tniti>n. Then authority may 71 States fee foun more have construct after Shanghai Hangchow nautical fee duty the.